The Journal: News of the Churches of God at
Announcements, Prayer Requests and Obituaries - Issue 86
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Announcements, Prayer Requests and Obituaries

Prayer requests

Albano de Andrade, three and one-half years old, is hospitalized with fever and various symptoms. Doctors believe it could be Kawasaki disease. This syndrome apparently can be managed through an IV of gamaglobulin.

Ann Adkins, 9111 E. 47th St., Tulsa, OK 74145, tests pending, possibly a heart problem.

Bill Decker, 1470 Overstreet Cir., Buda, TX 78610, has terminal cancer. His wife, Helen, is recovering from a heart attack.

Allene Dunnam, 419 W. Grant St., Chickasaw, AL 36611, of the Mobile, Ala., church, lost her 66-year-old daughter recently. Your prayers and cards would be appreciated.

Jim Frederick, 9131 Calera Way, Sacramento, CA 95826, is suffering with cancer. He will start radiation soon and would appreciate your prayers.

Ron Jenkins, recovering from surgery to remove brain tumors.

Christina Koskinen is experiencing complications with her pregnancy and asks for prayers for herself and her unborn child.

Tressie Parker, Reedly, CA, is diabetic, suffers with allergies and has a severe cough.

Paulette Smith of Lake Jackson, TX, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. She is expected to be at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston for at least one month. Please pray for her and her husband, Marvin.

Sue (Hammond) Willams and Margaret (Green) Vidal request prayers for their father who is hospitalized with a bowel blockage and then developed complications.

Harold Wright, Noonan, NB, Canada, is suffering with a blockage of the main artery leading into his brain. More tests are pending.


Andrew Milton Prettyman, 83, a professional engineer, died Feb. 17. He was a native of Lee County, Ky., and a U.S. Army Air Force veteran of World War II. Mr. Prettyman was an elder of the Church of God and a member of the church for more than 45 years. He was an avid Bible student and served in churches in Gathersburg, Md.; Appleton, Wis., Chicago, Ill.; Toledo and Findlay, Ohio; Memphis, Tenn.; and Lexington, Louisville and Mount Sterling, Ky. He is survived by his wife, Mildred, and children, Tony Prettyman, his wife, Alethia Cowan Prettyman; Anetta Prettyman Nichols, her husband Garlan Nichols; Jonathan Prettyman, his wife Margie Lyons Prettyman; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Joe Waller, a Church of God minister of Piedmont, Mo., died March 1 of cancer. The family would like to thank everyone for the many calls and cards. They are also thankful for the prayers on Joe's behalf and that he did not suffer much pain throughout his short ordeal. The family receives mail at 111 Ann St., Piedmont, MO 63957.

Al Dennis, a longtime pastor in the Church of God, died March 10 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. JoAnn Dennis receives mail at 9512 Colegate Way, Hamilton, Ohio 45011.

Bernard Andrist, a longtime Church of God elder from Geneva, Switzerland, died March 21 after suffering with cancer. His love of the brethren, his devotion especially to the work in French Africa, and his sparkling sense of humor will be greatly missed. His wife receives mail at: Mrs. Bernard Andrist, 89, rue de la Servette, Apt. 54, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland.

Ken Gully, 61 years old, died unexpectedly March 27 of a heart attack. Ken is survived by his mother, Sylvania, and by a brother, Mark. Mark and Sylvania receive mail at 312 Oak Plaza Cove, Georgetown, TX 78628.


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