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FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich.--Alan Ruth, founder of Barnabas Ministries and the Web site, said the response to the site's new question-and-answer section is "phenomenal."

Mr. Ruth had announced that he would pass questions from Web-site visitors to various Church of God members whose answers he would post.

"One hundred and fifty questions have been submitted to the site for answers within the first 36 days," he said, "and the vast majority of folks submitting questions have no Church of God or major-church background."

Mr. Ruth described the Q&A format as yet another way to "preach the gospel."

"To many," he said, "the Internet is a nice toy that has a few possibilities but shouldn't be taken seriously when it comes to spreading the Bible's truths."

But Mr. Ruth does take the Net seriously. His Web site, which he began in 1995, is the largest Church of God-related Web site in the universe.

Here are some questions he has received since his call for questions went out:

o What is the Kingdom of God?

o Why does the Christian religion believe that white magic is evil?

o Is serpent-handling found in the Word of God?

o Is it proper to pray directly to Jesus, our High Priest, instead of going to the Father?

o Are angels to be judged and, if so, by whom?

o What does it mean for someone to have a "reprobate mind"?

o How is Jesus the Son of God?

o Is it true that once saved one is always saved?

o What does it mean to defile the marriage bed?

For the answers to these and other questions, see

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