
Column: God always provides a way of escape

The writer is pastor of a Church of God congregation and a regular columnist for The Journal.

By Dave Havir

BIG SANDY, Texas-One of the most encouraging scriptures in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 10:13. If you are facing a trial, take some time to meditate upon this scripture.

Let's notice four concepts from 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Trials will come

The Bible shows us that trials come upon the righteous.

Genesis 22:1 shows that "God did tempt Abraham."

Job 1:8 and Job 2:3 show that God asked Satan if he had considered His servant Job.

Matthew 4:1 shows that God allowed Jesus to be "tempted of the devil."

Trusting in God

God is faithful. The prophet Jeremiah described a huge difference between trusting in people and trusting in God.

Jeremiah quoted God saying that cursed is the person who trusts in man, and blessed is the person who trusts in God (Jeremiah 17:5-8).

Does the unbelief of people make the faith of God without effect? (Romans 3:3). Absolutely not. God is true, even when every man disappoints (verse 4).

When God makes a promise, we should be fully persuaded that He will perform what He has said (Romans 4:21).

Not tempted above

The account of Job reveals God was intimately involved in Job's trials. Yet we can watch how God allowed Satan to fulfill the role of the tempter in the trial. Job 1:10 describes a "hedge" around Job. God is in charge. He is stronger than anyone else or anything else. He protects. Sometimes He allows. He allows by giving access.

Job 1:12 describes God giving Satan room to deal with Job's possessions.

Satan destroyed Job's livelihood and Job's family. God allowed it. It could not have happened without God's knowledge or permission.

Job 2:6 describes God giving Satan room to deal with Job's health. Satan tortured Job. God allowed it. It could not have happened without God's knowledge or permission.

We understand Satan is a willing tempter (1 Thessalonians 3:5).

God allowed Jesus to be tempted of the devil in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1).

God will allow you to be tempted of the devil in the spiritual wilderness of life.

Way of escape

Think about some of the methods God can and will use to provide a way of escape:

  • Through a dramatic miracle.
  • Through hiding (see 1 Kings 17:1-3; Acts 9:25; John 8:59; John 10:39-40; and John 12:36).
  • Through death.
  • Through coping.
  • Through boldness and personal conviction.

Let's be sure we look to Jesus Christ as the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let's remember He is our Apostle and High Priest (Hebrews 3:1).

Let's be sure we look to God as our Father (Hebrews 12:5-8). Let's remember to be in subjection to the Father and live (verse 9).

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